Bravest of the bunch

“The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want….Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.” Psalm 23:1a, 4.

A little over 3 years ago we put our name on a list to receive two wether lambs from a Babydoll Sheep farm. We waited, anticipating to see which little lamb would be chosen to be ours. I remember when Stephanie, the owner of the farm, texted me with a little white lamb who had just been born that she thought would be a good fit for us and our farm. She dubbed him the “cutest lamb of the season”!

Photo by Lindsey Morgan

Growing up my mom always made it a point to tell me that she wanted a little grandson one day named Gabriel. Knowing there wouldn’t be any grandkids on the horizon anytime soon from us we decided to name this sheep Gabriel for her. A few months after he was born we were able to bring him home, along with his half brother, Rupert. Quickly Gabriel began to show just how curious he was. He was the first of the two to come up to me and he soon made it very apparent how much he loved having scratches to the point that he would even wag his little bobbed tail! When he saw me sitting down he would often walk over and lie down beside me enjoying the day and chewing his cud.

There’s a peace I find from being around the sheep. There have been many studies that have actually found them to have a calming effect on other animals. I can see why. When they are calm and happy all just seems right with the world. Perhaps its because they are a prey animal, lowest on the food chain, and if they feel safe you know all must be well.

Gabriel wasn’t even a year old when I noticed something very different about him. I was sitting outside with him and one of the dogs began to come near to where I was sitting wanting to play fetch with a toy. Gabriel quickly stood and placed himself between me and the dog and began to stomp one foot as furiously as he could toward the dog. Instead of running to be with the flock he placed himself between this “dangerous animal” and me. That day I realized just how brave this little sheep is and how selfless he was willing to be for his flock.

Over the years Gabe continued to be not quite as fearless as Milo but protective of his flock. Although he isn’t the leader of the flock by any means any time he perceived anything as a danger I would observe him going and placing himself between the “danger” and the flock furiously stomping his foot and placing his head down. Thankfully none of those times were ever real dangers of any kind- one of our dogs walking by or when we first bought our mini horse, Willoughby, who was the same size as Gabriel himself!

Earlier this year a dog came onto the property when the sheep were grazing and attacked Gabriel and Milo. The first one I found was Gabriel. I thought he was gone to be honest. Although we did not see the entire attack we have been able to put together some pieces. Gabriel’s wounds were all on his face and all the other sheep were far away from where I found the attack on Gabe. I believe Gabriel tried his best to challenge and protect the flock from this dog which is why his face was wounded and not his legs.
Miraculously, Gabriel came through shock and has made an incredible recovery. I truly believe his challenge of the dog and running away from the flock saved some of the other sheep from being attacked as well.

Growing up I’ve heard sheep often preached about as dumb animals and always looking for a way to die. I’ve found quite the opposite to be true. Gabriel has shown me just how much heart and resilience a life can have. While he may be a sheep he is brave. I imagine that’s quite a rare quality to be brave even when you have no real defense against predators but he stood in the gap and protected in the only way he knew how.

When I read Psalm 23 I realize that not only is David comparing God as his shepherd but he is placing himself in the perspective of a sheep. I suppose if you’re just around sheep they may not seem like much or even smart as many will say but there is a significant difference when you are the shepherd. For many who have visited the farm most of my flock may seem skittish and unfriendly and one might be surprised to know that these sheep know my voice, I call them every day and they come running. They lay beside me to rest in the field and follow me one by one down wooded trails. They trust and follow where I lead.

Gabriel’s wound went from beside his eye down to his mouth. It took muscle and skin both. Almost everyday since the attack we have had to clean and dress his wound. At the beginning this was very painful for him. The wound left a gap that allowed cud he regurgitated to be trapped and several times each day I would have to go out with qtips and tweezers and pull out each bit of cud that was stuck in this wound. After that began to heal and close the gap we had to tackle infection that would develop under his scabs. Again each day I would go out and pull back his scabs and clean and medicate the wound again. I know this process has been painful but he has been calm and trusting enough that I have been able to do all of this by myself. He has stood still and allowed me to wrap my arm around him and dress this wound daily for months now. Never once has he tried to run away from me or even been quick to leave my side when I was finished dressing the wound. More often than not he would simply look over at me and touch his nose to my cheek as if to show me comfort.

One day while cleaning his wound I realized that this animal allowed me to cause him pain-willingly and without a fight or struggle. When anything causes an animal pain they would naturally run or avoid the cause of that pain altogether and I wondered what made me so different that he stood here so meek and submissive? I am his shepherd.

Pslam 23 came back to mind and God humbled me again with this little sheep. I realized that God doesn’t desire my strength or ability to fix things. He desires my dependence and trust. To know that He can lead me through both the restful and painful spaces in life and each place I will willingly go knowing my comfort and goodness rests in His guidance.

Gabriel is such unique creature. He shows so much bravery by standing up to things stronger and more dangerous than anything he can compete with but also will gently follow down any path I lead him even if it’s painful. I began calling him “the bravest of the bunch” after the attack and nothing could be more true.

“Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” Psalm 23: 6

6 thoughts on “Bravest of the bunch”

  1. Badour-Thurman Janet

    What a beautiful testament to God’s little creature…Gabriel…this made me cry reading his story…

  2. Thank you for sharing. I read your testimony first thing this morning. Wonderful way to start my lenten day!

  3. Thank you for letting us get to know Gabriel better…what a sweet boy he is, and how lucky to have you as his mama!

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