End of March

“I think that violets are little snips of the sky that fell down when the angels cut out holes for the stars to shine through. And the buttercups are made out of old sunshine; and I think the sweetpeas will be butterflies when they go to heaven.” L.M. Montgomery

This time of year it seems more and more color comes out on the farm everyday. These little violets that range in color from blue and white to deep purple are sprinkled everywhere on the farm. They are all through the field, woods, by the pond and tucked away around the old hay. They’re persistent little flowers, not bothered by rain or even being stepped on by dogs, chickens or sheep. They are a perfect spring flower that never fails to brighten my day.

All the nettle has taken over as well. I’ll never be mad at nettle. I love it much more than the grass. It’s been so pretty to see it grow up around old tree stumps and behind the chicken coop.

All the green hasn’t been kind to everyone though. Milo had a case of bloat and we had to make an emergency trip to the vets office. There were red flags I should have seen before and I hope we never miss them again.
I always research so much before getting a new kind of animal. I want to know how to take care of them but I know sometimes we slip as humans and that experience helps us to not repeat those mistakes. He’s been on a strict diet and hasn’t been allowed in the big pasture. He’s not very happy with us right now especially since he’s had to learn how to lead on a halter. At first he absolutely HATED the halter but after a few days of consistent walks around the farm it doesn’t seem to bother him much now at all.
Once a sheep bloats it’s very easy for them to bloat again so he’s been staying in the paddock much more, we take him on his walks to make sure he’s getting enough exercise and on days where he seems a little more round than normal he gets 1-2 ounces of baking soda in water from a bottle.

Jordan and I were able to begin to finish out a new path in the woods. The woods are constantly inspiring us. I think it really is my favorite place at the farm.
Our new path follows the small stream down into the big part of the creek. It’s a smaller path but there are so many new things to see. There’s an old hollow tree trunk that I keep imagining a fairy house around along with several moss covered trees and vines. I wanted a trail so we could walk to the big creek any season of the year and see the ferns growing. It looks as though someone once had a deer stand or maybe a ladder going down to the creek there at one point. Hopefully we can build a bridge there someday so we can access the other side of the woods without having to go down the road.

Close to the woods we have our “frog pond”. We were told that it normally dries up but thankfully we haven’t seen that since we’ve been here. Last year we always looked for these 4 box turtles that likes to lay out on one of the tree trunks that sticks out above the water. I’m glad to say they are back now and calling the frog pond their home again.
Earlier in February I also found some bags of bulbs at a local farm store on clearance and took a chance and planted them. They’re blooming wonderfully! The yellow tulips and daffodils have been the first but I’ve noticed several tulips of different colors getting ready to bloom as well. I’m also excited for the iris patch to make it’s appearance. Even though I’m impatient that’s the marvelous thing about nature, it doesn’t give us everything all at once but sets everything out at the perfect appointed time. It teaches us patience in a beautiful way, helping us to slow down and appreciate what we have now while still giving us things to look forward to.