Spring is here!

“The world just looks like something God imagined for His own pleasure, doesn’t it” L.M. Montgomery

This is the the time of year when things feel so magical when the sun comes out. When we get a good rain we have a stream that forms from the back of our field and runs under the big moss covered tree trunk and then behind the chicken coop all the way to the little streams and creeks that wind through our woods. I’ve seen the stream get as big as 10 feet wide before but usually drains rather quickly just leaving some little puddles for a day or so. I would be lying if I said I don’t go out and wade through the puddles. There’s just something about it all that makes me feel like a kid again.

It was during this time that I also found our March flowers had finally bloomed!
Last year before we bought the farm we visited here all the time. Our road has March flowers covering it- from people’s yards to even inside the woods March flowers come up every where! I remember searching this entire place last year for March flowers to find none! But then later in the month one day I found this little batch of them in the most odd place. Out of the whole 13 acres here these are the only March flowers that exist. They grow up behind the old fallen log covered in moss and they don’t look like most of the March flowers I see in this area. I often wonder how they got here, I think surely someone must have planted them but then I also wonder why here?
I did get to plant more bulbs this winter so they won’t be too lonely anymore.

Milo has officially transitioned out in the field with Noelle. When we brought him home he was barely 10 pounds and he has now grown to a whopping 45 pounds! Just a tip, a 45 pound sheep in a tiny house doesn’t work well!
At first he DID NOT like being in the pen with Noelle. Thank goodness for our little hound dog, Boo though. As long as he had Boo in the field with him he was content. Boo was such a good boy. He seemed happy to sit out with the sheep and was a perfect little guardian dog. But one day I was working out in the cottage and I noticed that Boo was out of the fence just sitting at the front door of the cottage. When I let him inside he came in and looked at us as if to say, “Ok guys, he’s all good now. He’s going to be just fine.” and he was right.

Milo still follows my every step when I let him out of the fence and he is the biggest attention hog ever! But I think he finally knows he’s a sheep and Noelle and him have become friends at last! Noelle seems much more content as well. She doesn’t “baaa” near as much as she used to and I think she enjoys the company.

I still walk around everyday looking for and appreciating all the changes Spring brings to our farm. I know there are still days that are stressful and there are definitely still days that hold a lot of anxiety and doubt but days like these I think serve as a type of tangible hope. The puddle from the stream, the fringe on the daffodils, and moss growing on the old log; they all serve as a reminder that life is still present and growing. Creation wasn’t just a 6 day event but is constant and His imagination is still on display for us to see and touch everyday as long as we take the time to do so.

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