The Beginning of March

March came in that winter like the meekest and mildest of lambs, bringing days that were crisp and golden and tingling, each followed by a frosty pink twilight which gradually lost itself in an elfland of moonshine. Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” -L.M. Montgomery

February walked out the door with a signature of ice and snow so it’s been our pleasure to welcome back the sunshine and warmer temperatures, even if it’s bringing it’s typical March wind with it. It’s been one of our busier months here on the farm. There’s so much we’re learning and as soon as it feels like we may catch up we realize there’s more to do. It’s good to see the progress though and we’ve made a strict commitment to take Sundays off and that has been heavenly.

I think I realized this past fall that it’s easy to get caught up in the work here. There’s ALWAYS something to be done or finished or repaired but I also realized that none of that work means anything if we don’t take the time to be present DAILY and truly enjoy this magical place we call Home. We still go to bed tired and sometimes a bit sore or bruised but we go to bed happy and content because we took the time to appreciate the wonder of the day.

The other day we had a friend and her daughter out to the farm and while we were walking the trail she commented on our quality of life now. I don’t know if I have ever purposely thought about it but it made me sit back a bit and think, “Yeah, my quality of life is so different!” I remembered how a few years ago I felt stagnant. I felt the need for things that I couldn’t fully put my finger on let alone know how to obtain. I think I mixed in a lot of ingredients that were not part of God’s plan. I wanted to live in the country but I wanted a BIG house and a fancy event center and all these bells and whistles that were unnecessary. All those things are great but it wasn’t where God wanted us. He knew we needed to strip away all our ideas in order to discover HIS will and we are all the better for it. It took a small toll on my pride at first but I’m thankful EVERYDAY for this simple and small life we lead here.

Sometimes the line from point A to B isn’t as clear or steady as we might wish for it to be. I lived in a 5th wheel at my parent’s house sometimes terrified we might become a modern day Cousin Eddie and his wife haha! However, even with my silly fears while I was there I still knew we were where we needed to be. That’s really what matters after all-being where you’re called to be.

2 thoughts on “The Beginning of March”

  1. Loved your story. Love your little place,I always find some new wonder when I come out and I live to see your sweet animals

  2. I’m glad you and Jordan are living your dream. I think you definitely found your forever homeplace.

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